Urban and Transnational Anthropology

Urban and Transnational Anthropology

Lectures: 20

Seminars: 10

Tutorials: 0

ECTS credit: 5

Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Repič Jaka

The course is an upgrade of a basic knowledge acquired with the course on Urban anthropology on the first level (BA). It starts with an overview of terminology and development of urban and transnational anthropology, its specific orientations and field of research, followed with a quick overview of the history of urban anthropology and its main theoretical orientations, specifically those connected to migrations and global processes. Afterward we discuss methodology of anthropological study of transnational migrations and connections as well as complex phenomena in urban space. Then we present prevailing theories of transnational cultural flows and migration theories and discuss cases of migration and implications for urban space (comparatively with examples from Europe and the rest of the world). Then follows a discussion on ethnicity and culture in urban space and in the context of transnational cultural flows and migrations. The course concludes with a topic of global or world cities, their role in regional and global contexts and consequences for economic and social inequalities.