Department of Translation Studies
Additional information
Additional information about the joint interdisciplinary Master's degree programme in Digital Linguistics
Additional information about the joint interdisciplinary Master's degree programme in Digital Linguistics
The joint interdisciplinary master's study programme Digital Linguistics enrols:
Any candidate with a bachelor’s degree in the amount of at least 180 ECTS points, from the following professional fields: languages, information and communication technologies or social science, journalism and information science or an equivalent study programme obtained according to the current regulations in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad;
Any candidate with a bachelor’s degree in the range of at least 180 ECTS points from other professional fields or an equivalent study programme obtained according to the current regulations in the Republic of Slovenia or abroad, if he or she has completed their study obligations that are essential for the continuation of their studies prior to enrolment.
Additional obligations are determined by the Selection Committee and range from 10 to a maximum of 60 credit points. The candidate can complete the prescribed obligations during study at the bachelor’s degree level, in advanced training programmes or by taking exams before enrolling in the master’s degree level study programme.
Requests for the recognition of acquired knowledge and skills, either for the purpose of enrolment in the programme or recognition of credit points during the course of study, will be considered and decided on by the committee of coordinators for each candidate individually. Applications will be considered individually, and a maximum of 60 credit points can be awarded. The following will influence the recognition of credit points: certificates and other relevant documents or evidence of completed courses, summer schools and other forms of education, published articles and other works of authorship by candidates, awards and recognitions received by the candidate in relevant fields and evidence of acquired work experience in relevant fields. Each recognition is considered by the committee of coordinators which will pass a positive or negative opinion. However, it is not possible to recognize credit points for substituting master's thesis.
Pre-registration for the academic year 2024/2025 is available on this form. Pre-registration will be open from the 15th of April to the 15th of June 2024.
Pre-registration is informative in nature and is intended as a guide for students and to help with planning of elective courses. Pre-registration does not replace the application for enrolment through the eVŠ system, nor is it part of the selection process in the event that there are more registered candidates than there are advertised places.
After the pre-registrations have been completed, candidates for enrolment will be invited to an in-person informative meeting.
Digital linguistics is one of the most vibrant areas of development and research, as it also deals with modern intelligent language models, such as GPT-4, and at the same time enables research into the impact of new technologies on language, society and digitality.
The study content is modern, interesting and up-to-date, which is why graduates have a significant competitive advantage when looking for a job.
A joint degree from three universities means automatic recognition of education in all three countries: Slovenia, Croatia and the Czech Republic.
Mandatory student exchange enables students to integrate into an international environment and provides the invaluable experience of living, researching and studying abroad.
The subject-specific competencies that students acquire are:
Understanding the principles of written and spoken communication at all levels of linguistic analysis,
Skills in creating digital language resources, such as corpora, lexicons, acoustic databases, etc., as well as expertise in methodological planning and technical implementation of language resource creation,
Natural language analysis and processing skills, including basic language data analysis and processing skills using existing tools and the ability to design and develop your own,
Understanding of sociological, psychological and legal-ethical aspects of digital media,
The ability to independently research and acquire new skills,
Ability to work in interdisciplinary and multilingual teams.
After completing their studies, students obtain the title of Master of Digital Linguistics.
In the first semester, the study programme offers four compulsory electives, of which the student is recommended two according to their previous undergraduate education. These electives are: Introduction to Linguistics, Digital Slovene Studies, Programming 1 and Introduction to Statistics. Through compulsory elective courses students cover the basic competencies of primary disciplines, which they did not study in their undergraduate studies. In all semesters, students are offered a set of subject-specific electives, with which they acquire specific competencies from all three disciplines.
Curriculum for Ljubljana (latest):
Curriculum for the 3rd semester (mobility):
The compulsory semester at the partner university is the third semester.
International relations offices at universities (or relevant bodies at individual institutions) help visiting students by providing them with assistance in finding information about residences, infrastructure, language and, if necessary, visa regulations, etc. Participating universities are not responsible for damage, accidents and similar cases that are intentionally caused by (visiting) students and no responsibility can be demanded from them in this regard. The legal regulations applicable at the individual parent university are taken into account. Students must cover the costs incurred as a result of their participation in the Master's studies, travel expenses, accommodation and other living expenses by themselves. Students can apply for financial aid and scholarships from various mobility programs. For the purposes of the Digital Linguistics study program, a special Erasmus+ partnership agreement has been concluded with the universities of Zagreb and Brno, which ensures a sufficient number of exchange places for all students of the program.
To advance to the second year of the joint master's study in digital linguistics, the student must complete 90% of the obligations prescribed by the curriculum and syllabus for the first year, totalling 54 out of 60 ECTS points. In exceptional cases, students can submit an application for enrolment in a higher year even if they have completed 85% of their obligations, i.e. 51 ECTS points.
The study program does not specify special conditions for re-enrolment in the same year.
Transitions between study programs are regulated in accordance with the provisions of the Criteria for transitions between study programs. Each transfer request is decided individually by the General Program Board.
Graduates in Digital Linguistics can be employed in various professional environments where technology-supported language services are used, offered and developed, as well as in organizations where linguistic data analysis is carried out. The need for digital linguists, for example, arises in companies that offer translation, interpreting and proofreading services, especially in terms of managing language resources and developing support technologies. Data analytics, which also includes the analysis of social networks, media and other digital content, is used in digital marketing, business planning and consulting, among others. The interdisciplinary skills of digital linguists also offer good employment opportunities in research and development, both in the private and public sectors.
Head of the study programme
Špela Vintar, spela.vintar@ff.uni-lj.si
Department administration office
Mojca Golob, mojca.golob@ff.uni-lj.si
Room 30
Telephone: 01/241-1500
Office hours: Monday to Friday from 11:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m
Coordinator of the study programme at the Faculty of Computing and Informatics
Marko Robnik Šikonja, marko.robniksikonja@fri.uni-lj.si
Coordinator of the study programme at the Faculty of Social Sciences
Gregor Petrič, gregor.petric@fdv.uni-lj.si
Enrolment information
University of Ljubljana
Faculty of Arts
Department for postgraduate studies (second level)
Aškerčeva 2, 1000 Ljubljana, Slovenia
Phone: +386 (0)1 241 1043
Fax: +386 (0)1 425 9337
Contact person: Mia Hočevar
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