Language in Use II
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Gregorčič Kristina, doc. dr. Stubbs John Anthony, lekt. mag. Belak Mojca
Reading Comprehension:
• Understanding authentic texts of various types
• Acquiring superior taxonomic reading skills: analysis, evaluation, inferring
• Composing study notes;
• Understanding the reading process; self-reflection on one’s own reading abilities;
• Reading, analysis and evaluation of prose.
Writing Abilities:
• Fairly lengthy composition – opinion essay;
• Peer evaluation;
• Use of sources;
• Film, book reviews, etc;
• Short creative writing forms.
Listening Comprehension:
• Distilling specific information from texts with general themes; understanding the general sense of a text;
• Taking notes while listening;
• Evaluation of aural texts; recognizing the speaker’s intent;
• Active listening and interaction; body language.
Speaking Abilities:
• Registers of spoken language;
• Ability to fluidly relate information orally;
• A short oral presentation on a topic of one’s choice;
• The fundamentals of public speaking;
• Refinement in relating information when speaking publicly.
Course material covers the following topics:
Show Business, Reality shows
Crime and Punishment
Health / Body - sports, diets, medicine, drugs
Clothes, fashion, fur
The Arts
Love, Weddings, Marriages
Topical Issues;
Topics selected by teachers and students.
Watching selected films from contemporary film production, attending debating evenings and other events which make learning more varied and interesting, and contribute to attaining teaching objectives.
Popular and expert texts (multimedia sources) based on the teacher’s and the students’ choice;
Required (literary or non-fiction) prose (by choice).
Evans, V. 2004. Successful Writing (Upper Intermediate). Blackpill, Swansea: Express Publishing. COBISS.SI-ID – 27901026
Evans, V. 1998. Successful Writing (Proficiency). Blackpill, Swansea: Express Publishing. COBISS.SI-ID – 56055138
Glendinning, E. 2004. Study Reading. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press. COBISS.SI-ID – 5106739
MacAndrew, R.; R. Martinez. 2002. Taboos and Issues. Boston: Thomson Heinle. COBISS.SI-ID – 55816290
Powell, M.. 1996. Presenting in English. Brighton/Hove: LTP. COBISS.SI-ID – 3771746
Sherman, J. 1995. Feedback. Oxford: Oxford University Press. COBISS.SI-ID – 39464449
Urquhart. A. H., C. Weir. 1998. Reading in Second Language: Process, Product and Practice. London, New York: Longman. COBISS.SI-ID – 44222977