History of East Asia
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 8
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Vampelj Suhadolnik Nataša
a) Characteristics of the Chinese perception of time and Chinese historiography and the methodological issues that emerge when addressing Japanese history. The Chinese history theory (the notions of culture and civilisation, development and progress).
b) This methodological approach includes elements of traditional Chinese and Japanese historiography and avoids the sole evaluation of quantitative or material criteria (connection with new anthropology, taking into account the specialities of the inner integrity of the addressed cultural and civilisation areas, etc.).
c) An overview of the most important historic periods and their importance in the context of the historical development of mankind.
- Mitja Saje: Starodavna Kitajska – zgodovina Kitajske od najstarejših časov do dinastije Qin, Oddelek za AAŠ Filozofske fakultete, Ljubljana, 2002. COBISS.SI-ID - 119205632
- Mitja Saje: Zgodovina kitajske obdobje Yuan in Ming - Tuji osvajalci in trdnost tradicionalne ureditve, Filozofska fakulteta, Ljubljana, 1997. COBISS.SI-ID - 70806272
- Mitja Saje: Zadnja dinastija in izzivi sodobnosti - zgodovina Kitajske od vdora Mandžurcev do ustanovitve Ljudske republike, Oddelek za AAŠ Filozofske fakultete, Ljubljana, 2004. COBISS.SI-ID - 216481024
- Mitja Saje: Japonsko kitajski odnosi in svetovna ureditev v deželah vzhodne Azije. Azijske in afriške študije, 1997. COBISS.SI-ID - 73105920
- Mitja Saje: Similarities and Differences in the Process of Modernisation in India and China. Azijske in afriške študije, 2001. COBISS.SI-ID - 73105920
- Hane, Mikiso (1991) Premodern Japan. Oxford: Westview Press. COBISS.SI-ID - 7778402
Serija knjig: The Cambridge History of China
Loewe, Michael, in Edward L. Shaughnessy. 1999. The Cambridge History of Ancient China: From the Origins of Civilization to 221 BC. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press.
Mason, Richard H. P., in Caiger John G.. 1997. A History of Japan: Revised Edition. Rutland, Vermont & Tokio: Charles E. Tuttle Company.
Hwang, Kyung Moon. 2010. A History of Korea: An Episodic Narrative. London: Palgrave Macmillian.