Counselling and Guidance in Adult Education
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 60
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Samaluk Barbara
1. Conceptual and systemic questions in of guidance and counselling in adult education (GCAE).
2. Theoretical foundations, definitions and development of GCAE.
3. Offer and demand in adult education; GCAE as a missing link.
4. Goals, purposes and functions of GCAE.
5. Appearance, organization and system regulation of GCAE:
- Informational and educational counselling services;
- Levels of educational counselling;
- Institutions, network;
- Law and administrative regulation;
- Financing;
- Staff and their education and training;
- Infrastructure.
6. Information system, data basis; means and methods of informing.
7. GCAE and local community.
8. Counselling and communication.
9. GCAE and personal development.
10. GCAE and development counselling work.
11. Methods and techniques of counselling work:
- process of diagnostics and diagnostic approaches;
- instruments and techniques: questionnaires, tests, inventories, observation techniques, measurement instruments;
- Informational techniques;
- Phases of counselling;
- Approaches to educational counselling;
- Methods of self-direction;
- Alternative counselling methods;
- Individual and group counselling;
13. Participation of adults in GCAE;
14. Types of counselling according to adult's barriers to learning;
15. Lifelong learning and education and GCAE;
16. National strategies of development of GCAE.
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- Jelenc Krašovec, S. (2009). Andragoško svetovalno delo kot dejavnik spodbujanja družbene vključenosti odraslih. Andragoška spoznanja, 15(4), 38-51. ID=269580288
- Dobrovoljc, A. idr. (2022) Smernice za izvajanje svetovalne dejavnosti v izobraževanju odraslih, ki se izvaja kot javna služba. Andragoški center Slovenije. https://www.acs.si/digitalna-bralnica/smernice-za-izvajanje-svetovalne-…
- Kristančič, A. (1995). Svetovanje in komunikacija. Združenje svetovalnih delavcev Slovenije, Ljubljana. (str. 8–155)ID=45196288
- Palmer, S., McMahon, G. (ed.) (1997). Handbook of Counselling. London, New York: Routledge. Second Edition. Poglavja 1, 2, 3, 6. (str. 3-21; str. 22-36; str. 39-57; str. 94-108; str. 154-159)ID=7111010
- Samaluk, B. (2023). Prehodi od izobraževanja na trg dela: poskusi vstopanja v poklice blaginje in vključevanja na (trans)nacionalni trg dela: Znanstvena založba FF. ID=133027075
- Vilič Klenovšek, T. (2018). Andragoško svetovalno delo med teorijo, izobraževalno politiko in prakso. Andragoška spoznanja, 24(2), 77-87. ID=269580288
- Watts A.G., Kidd, J. M. (2000). Guidance in the United Kingdom: past, present and future. British Journal of Guidance & Couselling, Vol 28, No. 4, 2000, str. 485 – 502. ) Guidance in the United Kingdom: Past, present and future
Relevant papers from domestic and foreign literature, accessible in libraries and through World Wide Web.