Motivation and Emotions
Study Cycle: 1
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 30
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Zager Kocjan Gaja, prof. dr. Avsec Andreja, prof. dr. Kobal Grum Darja, Zaposleni/pogodbeni bodoči
- Definition of motivation: Laic and scientific apprehension of motivation; Causes of motivation and behaviour
- Problems of motivation: Statics and dynamics in motivation; “Push” and “Pull” motivation; Primary, secondary and spiritual motives; Fundamental approaches in the Psychology of Motivation; Basic concepts in the Psychology of Motivation
- Definitions of motivation in the past
- Theoretical approaches towards motivation: biological, psychoanalytical, behavioural, phenomenological, existentialist and humanist, cognitive theories of motivation
- Conscious and unconscious motivation
- Dynamics of motives
- Cognitive aspects of motivation I: objectives, plans, self-regulation, personal beliefs, self-efficiency, learned helplessness
- Cognitive aspects of motivation II: self, self-concept, cognitive dissonance, identity
- Measuring motivation
- Nature of emotions
- Causes of emotions
-Theories of emotions
-Number and types of emotions
-Emotions and disposition
-Biological aspects of emotions
-Cognitive aspects of emotions
-Social and cultural aspects of emotions
-Control over emotions
-Congruent emotions with goal: happiness, optimism, joy, love, attachment
-Non-congruent emotions with goal: sadness, fear, anger, anxiety, state of depression, shame, guilt
-Stress and emotions
-Disturbances in expression of emotions
-Trauma and post-traumatic stress syndrome
-Measuring emotions
- Kobal Grum, D. (2021). Vem, hočem, čutim: kognitivno-motivacijski vidiki čustev. Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. (str. 7-120; 151-160) COBISS.SI-ID - 66306563
- Kobal Grum, D., Musek, J. (2009). Perspektive motivacije. Ljubljana, Filozofska fakulteta, Univerza v Ljubljani. (str. 11-48; 57-120; 129-236; 247-260) COBISS.SI-ID - 248021248
- Kobal Grum, D. (ur.). (2022). Psihologija prilagajanja novi realnosti: izbrane raziskovalne teme v času pred in po uvedbi cepljenja proti covidu-19. Znanstvena založba, Filozofska fakulteta. (str. 9-60) COBISS.SI-ID - 116068611
- Franken, R. (2007). Human motivation (6th ed.). Thomson/Wadsworth. (izbrana poglavja) COBISS.SI-ID – 41401954