Counselling for children and adolescents
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): doc. dr. Gregorčič Mrvar Petra
1. Special features of counseling work with children and adolescents:
- factors of the child's development and learning;
- mental health of children and adolescents;
- distress of children and adolescents;
- protective factors in the lives of children and adolescents.
2. Counselling theories:
- particularities of individual and group counselling in some counselling theories.
3. Analysis of the counselling process:
- of course and objectives of the counseling conversation;
- of the position of the counsellor and counsellee in various counselling theories;
- of the counselling/collaborative relationship;
- use of counseling skills and techniques.
4. Individual and group counselling (curative and preventive) with children and adolescents who are faced with various problems growing up in the context of:
- different types of violence (peer violence, domestic violence, sexual harassment and violence, sexual abuse);
- problems in the family (divorce, poverty);
- drug abuse/addictive behavior of children and adolescents;
- death of a loved one and bereavement;
- suicidality and depression of young people;
- self-harm;
- sexual maturation, sexual behavior, sexual orientation, etc.;
- eating disorders;
- online violence and addiction.
5. Crisis intervention in school counseling work.
● Corey, G. (2021). Theory and Practice of Counseling and Psychotherapy. Boston: CENGAGE. ID= 104462339
● Gregorčič Mrvar, P., Jeznik, K., Kalin, J., Kroflič, R., Mažgon, J., Šarić, M. in Šteh, B. (2020). Šolska svetovalna služba: stanje in perspektive. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete Univerze v Ljubljani. ID=14319619
● Hess, R. S., Magnuson, S. in Beeler, L. (2012). Counseling Children and Adolescents in Schools. Sage: Thousand Oaks. ID=49497954
● Nelson-Jones, R. (2001). Counselling & Therapy. London: Continuum. ID=1450091
● Pečjak, S. in Košir, K. (2017). Šolsko psihološko svetovanje. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofske fakultete UL. ID=289099776
● Resman, M. (2000). Supervizija – svetovanje, terapija, nadzor. Sodobna pedagogika, 51, št. 4, str. 62–82. ID=761348
● Schmidt, J. J. (2003). Counseling in Schools. Boston, MA: Allynand Bacon. ID=16614408
Relevant papers and chapters, available at libraries and the World Wide Web.