Interpreting in Practice
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 0
Seminars: 90
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 9
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Gorjanc Vojko
The subject consists of three units:
a) Communication skills, speech and presentation techniques:
The course is intended as a general introduction to strategies of communication which are then incorporated into practical application in interpreting practice. The emphasis is on strategies and techniques of communication in difficult circumstances, such as losing (self)control during different types of interpreting processes and activities. Various speaking techniques are used, enabling students to learn about the basics of voice coaching and acquire recommendations for further speech development. These include maintaining proper register while ensuring consistency with regard to language standards and quality, even in exceptionally stressful situations.
b) Information technologies:
The IT course is carried out in specialised classrooms which enable students to use computer technology while learning about accesing on-line language sources in the context of preparation for interpreting work. Students are also encouraged to use relevant research results to prepare and compile glossaries as an aid to real interpreting practice.
c) The course also consists of a one week visit to the European or related institutions.
- M. Schlesinger in F. Pöchhacker, 2002: The Interpreting Studise Reader. London: Routledge. COBISS.SI-ID - 22844258
- Jezikovne tehnologije za slovenščino. Tematska številka Jezika in slovstva 3-4/2003. Ur. V. Gorjanc. Dostopno tudi na: http://www.jezikinslovstvo.com COBISS.SI-ID - 746756
Online sources:
Online language specific sources: glossaries, terminology databases, corpora (different languages and language combinations).