Introduction to Linguistics
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 15
Tutorials: 10
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Marvin Derganc Tatjana
1. Linguistics as an empirical science, defining the object of study, the data and methodology of contemporary linguistics.
2. Basic knowledge of phonetics, phonology, morphology, syntax, semantics, pragmatics with special emphasis on Slovenian.
3. Language and thought (linguistic determinism).
4. Language typology and language families.
5. First language acquisition.
6. Introduction to language processing, psycholinguistics, neurolinguistics.
Selected chapters from:
Marija Golden, 1996, O jeziku in jezikoslovju, Oddelek za primerjalno in splošno jezikoslovje, FF, Ljubljana. (436 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 57670400
Victoria A. Fromkin, ur., 2000, Linguistics: An Introduction to Linguistic Theory, Blackwell. (768 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 13053282
William O'Grady, John Archibald, Mark Aronoff and Janie Rees-Miller, 2017, Contemporary
Linguistics: An Introduction, Boston: Bedford/St. Martin's (636 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 66295906
Steven Pinker, 1994, The Language Instinct: How the Mind Creates Language, William Morrow, New York. (494 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 771938
Jože Toporišič, 2000, Slovenska slovnica, Maribor: Založba Obzorja Maribor. (923 str.) COBISS.SI-ID - 44990977