Contemporary Slovene Short Prose
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 3
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Pavlič Darja
- Short prose terminological issues.
- Quantitative and qualitative criteria for the study of short stories
- Features of traditional short prose genres: romantic theory of the novella, correction of falcon theory, generic essence of the traditional short story
- Characteristics of modern short prose genres: typological research of (modern) short story: anecdotal and epiphanic, realistic and fantastic, elliptical and metaphoric, narrative and impressionistic, short and long, large and small
- Historical overview of (Slovenian and global) short stories
- Two developmental directions of Slovenian short stories since 1980 and postmodern paradigm "of past literary orientation" (realistic, existential, modernist)
- Typology of stories (metafictional, lyrical, with folk and fairy-tale motifs, fantastic, historic, topics of depleted interpersonal relationships (in urban areas))
- Postmodernism and the young Slovenian prose: Representatives and the characteristics of their writing (metafictionists, subjective realism, pure fiction, minimalists)
- Trivial elements in Slovenian post-modern short prose
- Elements of literature of exhausted existence in contemporary Slovenian Short Fiction
Temeljna literatura:
- KMECL, M. (1975). Novela v literarni teoriji. Maribor: Obzorja. COBISS.SI-ID - 8937217
- KUSTEC, A. (1999). Kratka zgodba v literarni teoriji. Slavistična revija XLVII/1, str. 89–108. COBISS.SI-ID 761092
- VIRK, T. (2004). Problem vrstnega razlikovanja v kratki prozi. Slavistična revija 52/3, str. 279– 93. COBISS.SI-ID 761092
- ŽBOGAR, A. (2005). Kratka proza na prelomu tisočletja. Jezik in slovstvo 50/3-4, str. 17–26. COBISS.SI-ID 746756
- ŽBOGAR, A. (2007). Kratka proza v literarni vedi in šolski praksi. Ljubljana: ZRSŠŠ. COBISS.SI-ID - 229661440
Priporočena literatura:
- BOŠNJAK, B. (2005). Pregled tipologije sodobne slovenske kratke proze (osemdeseta in devetdeseta leta 20. stoletja). JIS 6/L, str. 43–63. COBISS.SI-ID 746756
- PREGELJ, B. (2005). Trivialno v luči refleksije o postmodernizmu z nekaterimi primeri slovenske fantastične ter zgodovinske kratke proze. JIS 1/LI, str. 3–19. COBISS.SI-ID 746756
- VIRK, T. (1998). Čas kratke zgodbe: Antologija slovenske kratke zgodbe. Ljubljana: Študentska založba (Beletrina). COBISS.SI-ID - 80335104
- VIRK, T. (2002). Kratka pripoved od antike do romantike. Ljubljana: Državna založba Slovenije (Klasje). COBISS.SI-ID – 116376576