Chinese Art
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Vampelj Suhadolnik Nataša
Content is composed of certain key topics in Chinese art:
- Art of bronze vessels and other objects from early periods
- Painting
- Sculpture
- Architecture
- Garden art
- Porcelains
- Craft art
Content includes comprehension of all key aspects of Chinese art from earlier periods till the end of the 20th century, focusing mostly on specific cultural and social development of Chinese society and their impact on evolutional process and certain ideas of Chinese art.
1. Barnhart, Richard M etal. 1997. Three Thousand years of Chinese Painting, New Havenand London: Yale University Pres, Beijing: Foreign Language Press. COBISS.SI-ID 42744577
2. Chang Kwang-chih, in XuPingfang. 2005. The Formation of Chinese Civilization An Archaeological Perspective (ur. Sarah Allan). New Haven in London: Yale University Press; Beijing: New WorldPress. COBISS.SI-ID 34826338
3. Paludan, Ann. 2006. Chinese Sculpture: A Great Tradition. Chicago: Serindia Publications. COBISS.SI-ID 41023586
4. Sullivan, Michael. 1996. Art and Artists of Twentieth-century China. Berkely, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. COBISS.SI-ID 67397730
5. Sullivan, Michael. 1997. The Meeting of Eastern and Western Art. Berkely, Los Angeles, London: University of California Press. COBISS.SI-ID 48281442
6. Steinhardt, Nancy S (ur.). 2002: Chinese Architecture. New Havenand London: YaleUniversity Press, Beijing: New WorldPress. COBISS.SI-ID
7. Tregear, Mary. 1997. Chinese Art. Reviseded. London. Thames and Hudsong Ltd. COBISS.SI-ID 65583360
8. Vampelj Suhadolnik, Nataša. 2012. Med konservativizmom in radikalizmom: Modernizacija kitajskega slikarstva v dobi Republike. V: ROŠKER, Jana S. (ur.), VAMPELJ SUHADOLNIK, Nataša (ur.). Tradicija v objemu modernosti: Stoletje kitajskega preporoda. str. 81–110. Ljubljana: Znanstvena založba Filozofskefakultete. COBISS.SI-ID 264097024
Additional readings
9. Clark, John A. 2010. Modernities of Chinese Art. Leiden-Boston: Brill. COBISS.SI-ID 109968131
10. Rhie, Marylin M.(2007) Early Buddhist Art of China and Central Asia. vol. 1. Leiden: Brill. COBISS.SI-ID 49870946
11. Dodatna literatura po izboru predavatelja.