Curriculum Studies
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): izr. prof. dr. Štefanc Damijan
Historical development of curriculum theories. Overview of the key contributions of selected authors of the 20th century (Bobbitt, Tyler, Bloom, Taba, Schwab, etc.).
Definition of the term "curriculum" and its derivatives: open/closed, official, explicit, written, intended, planned, implicit/implicit, null, implemented, tested curriculum.
Curriculum planning and implementation at national, institutional (school) and individual level.
Understanding the fundamental purposes/objectives of education from the perspective of curriculum theory.
The role of knowledge and learning content in curriculum planning and implementation.
The interconnectedness of learning content, objectives and implementation processes in curriculum planning and delivery.
The effects of the school's involvement in socio-economic processes on the understanding of its social role: the tendency towards the vocationalisation of general education; skills and competences as an educational goal.
Key milestones and characteristics of past curriculum reforms in Slovenia.
Analysis of current curriculum reform processes.
The role of school policy and the profession in the planning and implementation of curriculum reforms.
Issues and challenges for curriculum development in the future: identification of key curriculum trends, initial and continuing teacher education, technological innovations in education, responsiveness of education to current social circumstances.
Definition of curriculum evaluation. Characteristics and functions, models and forms of evaluation.
Interrelatedness of evaluation and strategy of curriculum planning. Curriculum evaluation as part of curriculum planning and implementation.
The role of school and teacher in the process of curriculum evaluation. Teacher’s responsibility for achieving educational goals and objectives.
Evaluation and quality assurance in education.
Analyses of selected evaluation studies.
International comparisons and assessments and their impact on the national curriculum. Analyses of selected international comparative studies (e.g. PISA, TIMSS, PIRLS, etc.).
The systemic embeddedness of higher education: formal framework, legislation, national higher education programme.
Implications of university autonomy for curriculum planning and delivery of higher education.
Characteristics and implications of massification, corporatisation and technologisation in the field of higher education.
Didactic strategies in higher education: methodological and organisational dimensions and specificities.
● Null, J. (2008). Curriculum development in historical perspective. V: F. M. Connelly, M. F. He, & J. Phillion (ur.). The SAGE handbook of curriculum and instruction. SAGE Publications, str. 478-490. ID=1746519
● Eisner, E. (1985). The three curricula that all schools teach. V: The Educational Imagination: On the design and evaluation of school programs. New York: Macmillan, str. 87-107. ID = 116092
● Kemmis, S. in Edward-Groves, C. (2018). Understanding Education: History, Politics and Practice. Singapore: Springer, str. 1-30 (pogl. Studying Education). ID=70987618
● Deng, Z. (2017). Bringing knowledge back in: perspectives from liberal education. Cambridge Journal of Education, 48, št. 3, str. 335–351. https://www.tandfonline.com/doi/full/10.1080/0305764X.2017.1330874
● UNESCO. (2022). REIMAGINING OUR FUTURES TOGETHER: a new social contract for education. S.l.: UNITED NATIONS EDUCATION. https://unesdoc.unesco.org/ark:/48223/pf0000379707
● OECD. (2022). Trends Shaping Education 2022. S.l.: OECD Publishing.https://read.oecd.org/10.1787/6ae8771a-en?format=pdf
● Liessmann, K. P. (2009). Teorija neizobrazbe. Problemi, 47(6/7), 37–72. ID=13608448
● Štefanc, Damijan. (2022). Pojmovanja kurikula in nekateri izzivi kurikularnega načrtovanja v visokošolskem izobraževanju. V: ŠTEFANC, Damijan (ur.), URBANČIČ, Matej (ur.). Izzivi visokošolske didaktike : inovativno učenje in poučevanje v visokem šolstvu. Ljubljana: Založba Univerze. ID=115552003
● Štefanc, Damijan. (2022). Prihodnost kurikula: nekaj razmislekov ob načrtovani prenovi učnih načrtov. V: KRAPŠE, Tatjana (ur.), et al. Pogled na šolo 21. stoletja v duhu kompetenc in pismenosti. Ljubljana: Zavod RS za šolstvo, str. 12-26. ID=127302147 https://www.zrss.si/digitalna_bralnica/pogled-na-solo-21-stoletja-v-duh…
● Selwyn, N. (2019). Should robots replace teachers? AI and the future of education. Cambridge, UK ; Medford, MA, USA: Polity Press. https://www.wiley.com/en-us/Should+Robots+Replace+Teachers%3F%3A+AI+and…
● Facer, K. (2011). Learning Futures: Education, Technology and Social Change. New York: Routledge. https://www.routledge.com/Learning-Futures-Education-Technology-and-Soc…
● Apple, M. W. (2003). Is the New Technology Part of the Solution or Part of the Problem in Education? In: Darder et. al. (eds.). The Critical Pedagogy Reader. New York/London: RoutledgeFalmer, pp. 440 - 458. ID=24489314
The course implementation plan may also provide students with additional compulsory or recommended readings in a given academic year.