Regions and Regionalisms in Slovenia
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 0
Tutorials: 60
ECTS credit: 5
Lecturer(s): asist. dr. Zavratnik Veronika, izr. prof. dr. Habinc Mateja
Lectures present various contemporary administrative-political and professional regionalizations, as well as analyse and critically contextualise mainly ethnological regionalizations. In the context of various contemporary territorial affiliations and economic activities they also discuss regionalisms and critically examine the role of ethnology and cultural anthropology in these processes. Therefore, they also discuss issues related to (regional) development and the role of the so-called ethnologist developer or mediator.
Through the case-studies or at specific locations practicum introduces students with insights into contemporary roles of regional integration and the work of ethnologists and cultural anthropologists in these processes. Field work aims at presenting and experiencing specific cases-studies mentioned during lectures or seminar.
Boris Golec, 2012, Nastanek pokrajinskih poimenovanj prebivalcev slovenskega ozemlja. Kako smo postali Gorenjci, Dolenjci, Notranjci, Štajerci, Korošci. V: Tita Porenta in Mojca Tercelj Otorepec, ur., Gorenjska: etnologija in pokrajine na Slovenskem na primeru Gorenjske ali kaj lahko etnologi in kulturni antropologi doprinesemo h kulturni podobi in razumevanju pokrajin na Slovenskem [Elektronski vir]. Ljubljana: Slovensko etnološko društvo, str. 13–42. URN:NBN:SI:doc-PVR7YJU4
Aleš Gačnik, 2003, Etnologija regionalnega razvoja. V: Aleš Gačnik, ur., Etnologija in regionalni razvoj: zbornik znanstvenih in strokovnih člankov. Ljubljana: Slovensko etnološko društvo in Znanstvenoraziskovalno središče Bistra, str. 22–4 [COBISS.SI-ID - 52403969]
Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik, 2001, Podobe pokrajin in njihovo ozadje: kulturna območja na Slovenskem. V: Mihaela Hudelja, Vito Hazler in Ingrid Slavec Gradišnik, ur., Podobe pokrajin 1956–1970. Etnološka fototeka Vilka Novaka. Ljubljana: Slovensko etnološko društvo, str. 25–56. [COBISS.SI-ID -112543232]
Klaus Roth, 2007, What's in a Region? Southeast European Regions Between Globalizastion, EU-integration and Marginalization. Ethnologia Balkanica let. 11, str. 17–41. [COBISS.SI-ID - 17489506]
Christian Giordano, 2007, Ethnic versus Cosmopolitan Regionalism? For a Political Anthropology of Local Identity Constructions in a Globalized World-System. Ethnologia Balkanica let. 11, str. 43−58. [COBISS.SI-ID - 17489506]
Bojan Baskar, 2002, Med regionalizacijo nacionalizacijo: iznajdba šavrinske identitete. Annales let. 12, št. 1, str. 115−132. [COBISS.SI-ID – 535507] URN:NBN:SI:doc-479IEF3A
Robert Parkin, 1999, Regional Identities and Alliances in an Integrating Europe: A Challenge to the Nation State? University of Oxford. Dostopno na: https://www.ora.ox.ac.uk/objects/uuid:50223e63-9a19-4874-93d4-03548b92d…; https://www.researchgate.net/publication/242200303_Regional_Identities_…