Oddelek za prevajalstvo

Sprememba GU Ada Gruntar Jermol

Zaradi bolezni v sredo, 5. 3., odpadejo vse moje obveznosti.
Govorilne ure v poletnem semestru:
- sreda, 13.15-13.45,
- četrtek, 11.20-12.20.
Na govorilne ure se je treba napovedati po e-pošti, in sicer vsaj dan prej.

prof. dr. Ada Gruntar Jermol


Department of Translation Studies

Change of Office Hours Nike Kocijančič Pokorn

Department of Archaeology

Change of Office Hours Dimitrij Mlekuž Vrhovnik

Department of Comparative and General Linguistics

Change of Office Hours Sabina Zorčič

Department of Geography

Change of Office Hours Simon Kušar

Department of History

Change of Office Hours Žiga Zwitter