Mednarodna pisarna

Anketa: Zdravstvene storitve za tuje študente / Questionnaire: Healthcare services for foreign students

Dragi študent/študentka!

V tem trenutku se soočamo s številnimi vprašanji glede zdravstvenega sistema, tako v Sloveniji kot povsod drugod, kjer se srečujemo s krizo zaradi koronavirusa. Vabimo vas, da sodelujete pri projektu, katerega cilj je izboljšati dostopnost informacij o koriščenju zdravstvenih storitev za tuje študente in komunikacijo med medicinskim osebjem in tujimi študenti. Vaša izkušnja nam bo pomembno pomagala razumeti težave, s katerimi se soočate, in najti rešitve, ki bodo pomagale številnim študentom na izmenjavi ali rednem študiju v Sloveniji.

Izpolnite vprašalnik (v slovenščini) in tako prispevajte k boljši obveščenosti in zdravstvenim storitvam za tuje študente.

Dear student,

We are currently faced with many questions about our healthcare systems, both in Slovenia and in all other countries that are experiencing the coronavirus crisis. We would like to invite you to participate in our project, where we aim to improve the availability of information about healthcare services for international students as well as the communication between medical staff and students. Your experience is important in helping us to understand the issues you are facing and to find solutions that will be helpful to many students coming to study in Slovenia.

Fill out the questionnaire (in English) and contribute to better information and healthcare for international students.



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