Translation-Oriented Contrastive Slovene-German Text Analysis
Study Cycle: 2
Lectures: 30
Seminars: 30
Tutorials: 0
ECTS credit: 6
Lecturer(s): prof. dr. Gruntar Jermol Ada
Improving knowledge of text linguistics and pragmatics, with special emphasis on the context, addressee, and communicative purpose.
Analysis of various text types, paying special attention to special features such as:
- Ad-hoc formations and their translation;
- Conventions for selected text types (e.g., invitations, contracts, etc.);
- German compounds with suffixoids and their translation into Slovenian;
- The cultural specificity of texts (e.g., newspaper commentary in comparison to the original and its translation);
- Pronoun use in German and Slovenian; use of indefinite pronouns in technical texts (e.g., legal texts) and literary texts and their function;
- The function of particles and their translation;
-The use of tenses in German and Slovenian;
- Expressing (im)perfectivity in Slovene and German;
- Collocations in general and technical texts, and special aspects of translating them;
- Negation of selected groups of verbs and conjunctions of time;
differences between German and Slovenian;
- The function of the passive voice in technical and literary texts;
- Emotion in technical (e.g., legal) and literary texts.
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Helbig, Gerhard/Buscha, Joachim (1996): Deutsche Grammatik. Ein Handbuch für den Ausländerunterricht. 17. Aufl. Leipzig (etc.): Langenscheidt. COBISS.SI-ID – 8008802 18. Aufl. 1998
Nord, Christiane (2009): Textanalyse und Übersetzen. 4., überarbeitete Auflage. Tübingen: Julius Groos Verlag. COBISS.SI-ID – 2976610 1998 3. Aufl.
Reinart, Sylvia (2009): Kulturspezifik in der Fachübersetzung. Forum für Fachsprachenforschung, 88. Berlin: Frank & Timme. COBISS.SI-ID - 40969826
Sandig, Barbara (2006): Textstilistik des Deutschen. 2., völlig neu bearbeitete und erweiterte Auflage. Berlin, New York: Walter de Gruyter. COBISS.SI-ID - 33172578
Toporišič, Jože (2004): Slovenska slovnica. Četrta, prenovljena in razširjena izdaja. Maribor: Založba Obzorja Maribor. COBISS.SI-ID - 53483521
Zhao, Jin (2008): Interkulturalität von Textsortenkonventionen. Forum für Fachsprachenforschung, 79. Berlin: Frank & Timme. COBISS.SI-ID - 40968034