Having Plenty to Say in Essays and Presentations

Having Plenty to Say in Essays and Presentations

Avtor: John Stubbs
Coming up with content for a talk or written assignment can be horrible, especially when you’re working in a foreign language. Having Plenty to Say in Essays and Presentations offers help with this age-old problem. The trick, it suggests, lies with realising that essays and talks can encompass a huge range of approaches, forms and moods – among which we can all find something to say. The book is intended to accompany undergraduate English language classes, but could also serve as a resource for students of any modern language, or as a handbook for secondary school teachers.

Leto izida: 2023

Št. strani: 124

Tip vezave: Mehka vezava

ISBN: 9789612970758

Zbirka: Učbeniki FF

Redna cena: 12,90 EUR
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